Our Gatherings

We've gotten creative during these unprecedented times ...

Fellowshipping together Studying God's Word Following Jesus Flowing in the Spirit


During the pandemic we adjusted our meeting times to include virtual gatherings. 

Those wishing to meet virtually may continue to do so by conference telephone line, Facetime, or Zoom. Please contact us for access instructions.


With the renovation underway for the main sanctuary, we are gathering in various locations, on-site and off. Contact us for our schedule of locations and times.


Are you an early bird and like to intercede for others? 

We meet every Tuesday morning at 6:00 am with intercessors from around the world. If this sounds like you, you guessed it, contact us.


Stay connected with us and grow in your relationship with Jesus. 

We have many ways for you to connect with us to build community in your life, from conference calls, to lunch and dinner outings, and our weekly texts and emails. Include your contact information and request on the contact form. Contact us.


GBT’s CommUnity Center will become a thriving, modern-day temple of the Lord!